Auto calculate expenses on TWIB

Twib Support team

Last Update há 5 meses

Main menu >>> Settings >>> Misc settings >>> scroll down to Auto calculate Expense >>> select the type (As per tour plan or As per GPS report) >>> update.

From settings -- Menu >> settings >> Misc settings >>scroll to Per KM cost >> Input your cost >> Update.

TWIB’s feature for auto-calculating expenses based on tour plans or GPS reports is designed to streamline the process of expense management for sales employees and Managers. Here's an in-depth explanation of how these features work and their benefits:

How Auto-Calculation of Expenses Works:
GPS-Based Expense Calculation:

GPS Tracking:

  • TWIB uses GPS to track the actual routes and locations visited by sales employees in real-time.
  • The app shows the distance travelled, duration of travel, and checkins added along the way.

Distance Covered Calculation:

  • Based on the GPS data, TWIB calculates expenses automatically.
  • The app applies predefined per KM rates to the total distance travelled to compute travel expenses.

***There are a few ways to add the per KM allowance so that TWIB can calculate the exact expense proportional to distance travelled by the user.

From Settings -- Cost per KM can be defined from Settings which will be universally applicable to each and every user on TWIB.

Menu >> settings >> Misc settings >>scroll to Per KM cost >> Input your cost >> Update.

From Access groups -- If a company has multiple slabs for KM allowance, then the Access groups can help manage that easily.
By creating access groups the admin actually categorises his employees to some group e.g. top management group, mid management group, field executive etc. So if the company has such kind of travel allowance structure for each categories, then it can be added from the Access groups, rather than updating the per KM allowance individually.

Suppose, a company provides car allowance of 15/KM to the mid management employees and bike allowance of 5/KM to the fields executives, so it will be easier for the company to set that rate from the access groups which will automatically apply to the employees belonging the access groups.

Once the admin adds per KM cost in access groups the cost added from the settings (which works universally to all employees) will be overwritten for the access groups members.

Menu >> Settings >> Access groups >> click on the settings of the specific group >> add the per KM cost >> update.

From Manage users -- Cost per KM can also be added for each individual employee from manage user section. Once added from manage users the cost added in this segment will overwrite the other two per KM allowance settings (i.e. Settings & Access group) for that particular user.

Menu >> Manage users >> click on the user profile >> per cost KM >> add the cost >> update.

From access groups -- Menu >> Settings >> Access groups >> click on the settings of the specific group >> add the per KM cost >> update.

From Manage Employees -- Menu >> Manage users >> click on the user profile >> per cost KM >> add the cost >> update.

Tour Plan-Based Expense Calculation:

Route Plan (Predefined) Creation :

  • Admins can create predefined routes in advance detailing the locations to be visited by users. The average distance for that route can also configured.
    If an user is assigned a predefined route for a particular day and he has marked his attendance for that day. Then expense can be generated based on the average distance as defined for that route.

By default the Auto Calculate Expense is set as "not required" make sure to change the option as per tour plan or as per GPS report to auto calculate expenses. 

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