Tour Plan Management

Twib Support team

Last Update 5 месяцев назад

Twib has features to create a monthly tour plan for the employees upfront, these can be done and submitted by both the employees as well as by the admin. Once the tour areas and routes are defined by the admin, the tour plans can be created. After the tour plans are generated and approved it will show in the Schedule section of the employees, which can only be edited by the admin or the Managers.

How to create a tour plan ?

To create a tour plan,

1. First you have to add the Areas / Territories in your account. This is necessary to create any tour plan.

2. Next you have option to create predefined routes with the territory names. However this is an optional feature although can be a convenient tool for the users/admin while creating a tour plan.

3. After completion of both the territory names and route creation, proceed to create a monthly tour plan.

The whole process has been summarised with images below :- 


Create Territory Names : 

Menu >> Tour Plan >> Tour Plans >> Click on the Grid Button >> Tour Areas (Location button) >> Click on the Grid button in this page >> + Button >> Then define the territory names (multiple areas can be added at once by separating them with "," in the same box >> Click on the "Confirm" button.


Lets see how to create routes including these territories :

Tour Plan >> Route Plans >> Grid Button >> "+" Button >> Now put up the Route name, Starting territory to Destination territory (also add stops in between if you have any), define route distance in KM >> Confirm


Lets see how to create Tour Plan (for a month) for your employees :

Tour plan >> Tour plans >> Grid Button >> "+" Button (create tour plan) >> Select employee and month to create a plan >> Create >> Now for each date on the tour plan select the predefined routes or manually select the area if predefined routes are not available >> Date specific comments (if any) can also be added >> Once done click on the "Approve" button.

Once a tour plan is approved , it will reflect in the Schedule section of the user's panel.

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