Manage Users

Twib Support team

Last Update hace 6 meses


The admin can manage the employees from the Employees option in Menu to add, edit or remove any employee from the Twib account.

Menu >> Employees >> Grid button >> + button >> fill the form >> Select employee type >> Add.

How to add Bulk Employee

If admin wants to add bulk employees, click on the Grid button on the top-right of the employee form and then click on the "+" button, download the sample Excel file. Now follow the format of that sample file to add users data in bulk and upload the file. The system will show a preview of the bulk data and upload the bulk list in the database on clicking the Upload button.

Employee Types

One thing to keep in mind, generally every employees fall under the Normal employee type unless someone is being given admin access by the administrator. To provide someone admin access, select "Authorised employee" from the employee type. After the authorisation is granted employer can grant or manage accesses provided to that employee by clicking on the lock button on the employee profile picture. select the accesses Admin / View only / None then click on update.

Fill up everything as asked in the form. After completing the form click on Add button to complete the process.

After successful addition, all the users (employees) will be listed in the Employee section under Menu.

Once an employee is added in the account, if the email of the user is provided, the system will send an email to the concerned user with username and link to download the app.

Alternatively the admin can share the credentials with the user so that the user can download the app and log into Twib to do regular activities.

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