Order Management

Twib Support team

Last Update 5 tháng trước

Order Module - User Panel (App)

One can create and manage orders from the Order module section. Create new orders easily with the help of the following images.  

Menu >>> Order module >>> click on + button (to create a new order) >>> Once an order is submitted, it will be available in the Order module page; click on the respective order to view its details and download the PDF.

Fill up the form as asked with the necessary details, when finished scroll down and click on the Add button.

After adding the order, the order details will be accessible by clicking on respective order from the Order module.

After clicking on the respective order, a page for order details opens, one can download the details in .pdf by clicking the green download button at the bottom of the page.

Create orders from Clients Section

Employees can create new orders directly from the Manage Clients section as well.

after navigating to Manage clients, click on the "+ Order" button for the specific client to create a new order for them.

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